Thursday, May 20, 2010

Talking Social Media: with Tony Gardner #1

As a happy consequence of the article
in AdMedia, May 2010...

New Online Chat Show on the Mr. Madness Channel

...I got a call from David Gapes, Editor, AdMedia & Fastline to kick off Talking Social Media - an Online Chat Show. My dream brief: shoot members of NZ's Advertising & MarComms industry as they talk SM.

Tony Gardner
General Manager, Saatchi & Saatchi | DGS

As Part #1 of TSM, I recently caught up with Tony and Q&A'ed him. Here are the best bits from our session, cut up into easy-to-swallow capsules:

Q - How has SM changed your personal and professional life?

Q - Clearly then, Social Media is here to stay...

Q - At SMBizForumNZ, you said SM leads to humanisation of technology...

Q - So then, what is Social Media?

Q - Sharing is key to Social Media...

Q - Is SM more suited to certain industries or demographics?

Q - SM is different feeds for different folks. Any NZ success stories that...

Q - Where to from here for SM? What does the road ahead look like?

Q - Any words of advice to corporates using or planning on SM...

Q - Whose role is it to look after SM? Should companies just do it in-house

Q - SM tools are free to use. Why should companies pay their ad agency...

Q - Social Media v/s Traditional media. What's the key difference?

Q - What role do Transparency & Honesty play in Social Media?

Q - What are your views on SM in business? Do you recommend SM strategies to your clients?

Q - What governs the proportion of SM that should go into the communication strategy?

Q - All media enables us to share information..

Q - What is Saatchi & Saatchi | DGS' approach to Social Media?

Answers to the above questions on my YouTube Channel.

Mr. Social would like to extend a special thanks to Matthew Marsh, IT Ninja, Saatchi & Saatchi for creating the awesome Talking Social Media title ident (see above) and for chopping up the video interview with amazing speed, precision and discipline - like only a true-blue Ninja can!

If you would like to be on "Talking Social Media" or know someone who should, email or with "Please shoot me while I TSM" as the subject line.


  1. brilliant questions equals to brilliant answers...
    Well done Mr Madness!

  2. Why thank you Anonymous... excuse me while I put my social shades on... all this brilliance is blinding me:)

    How utterly lovely of you to stop by and comment, my dear Anon. (ps- I know who you are, but I can't tell you:)
