Thursday, April 4, 2013

In Social Business, Relationships Matter Most. Think RonR

"In the connection economy, trust and relationships are the new currency. 
It's not a soft thing you do in your spare time, it's the heart and soul of your business."
- Seth Godin

Relationships are the new currency: Honor them. Invest in them. Start measuring your Return on Relationship.

Peeped into my mailbox and much to my surprise and delight... what do I see? A US postage parcel addressed to my Twitter name @Mr_Madness. (Imagine the postman's smile Emoji)

Opened it to find Kathryn Rose and Ted Rubin's new book - Return on Relationship. (yay !!!)

2007: Revolution

In the early days of social media, the question on everyone's lips was "What's the ROI?" Slowly, marketers (and C-suites) saw the power of social networks and opened their minds (and budgets).

2013: Evolution

The spread of social technology has led to an evolution where all the dots connect to form an integrated Social Business model.

In today's digitally connected economy, relationships are of essence. As business drivers, they create employee and customer engagement. Relationships are what social business is built on.

Truly, in a business environment where it's not enough to just:
  • grow a community - but grow a community of brand advocates
  • woo customers - but win customers who will win more customers
  • build and promote your brand - but create a collaborative movement
...the million dollar question is: "What's the RonR?" (Can't wait to read the book.)


About Ted Rubin

Ted Rubin is the most followed CMO on Twitter, dispenses the most useful marketing advice, and wait for it... owns the happiest collection of coloured socks (socks for jocks) in the world :-)

Knowing him online, I can say, Ted is the real deal. I recommend you own a copy. For more details on the book, check it out on, follow real-time updates via hashtag #RonR

Wait a sec... How did this book reach my mailbox?

In March, I attended a #pmlabs webinar hosted by Pure Matter and was among 5 lucky winners (yay again !!!)

                                                                                                         brand marketing + interactive 

Love the hand-written note. Very authentic. Very personal. Very memorable. Spot on #RonR.

Many Thanks to:

  • The awesome Tami Cannizzaro via whom I came across all these amazing people.

Video Preview: Return on Relationship

The CMO Club Interview: How CMOs approach Social Media (Great insights at #IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit)

Concluding Remarks

In Return on Relationship, Rose and Rubin focus on the basic unit that defines a business: Relationships, and show us how social media drives --> engagement drives --> loyalty, which directly correlates to --> sales. When it comes to social business, relationships matter most. Think #RonR. So, that's that then. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I have a book to catch Emoji

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